Poster for the movie "A Very Demi Holiday Special"

A Very Demi Holiday Special (2023)

Musical - 8 December 2023
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A heartwarming, captivating special featuring music and plenty of out-of-this-world surprises, “A Very Demi Holiday Special” will fill your home and heart with a very Demi twist on the festive spirit. Demi has invited some of her friends to help her celebrate the holidays.



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A heartwarming, captivating special featuring music and plenty of out-of-this-world surprises, “A Very Demi Holiday Special” will fill your home and heart with a very Demi twist on the festive spirit. Demi has invited some of her friends to help her celebrate the holidays.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Musical


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Country:   United States
Language:  English
Release Date:  8 December 2023

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A heartwarming, captivating special featuring music and plenty of out-of-this-world surprises, “A Very Demi Holiday Special” will fill your home and heart with a very Demi twist on the festive spirit. Demi has invited some of her friends to help her celebrate the holidays.