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Abraham Ozler (2024)

Thriller - 11 January 2024
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The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins.

Director:  Midhun Manuel Thomas
Writers:  Dr. Randheer Krishnan


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The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Thriller


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Malayalam
Release Date:  11 January 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Manual Movie Makers

Technical Specs


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The story revolves around the personal and professional lives of veteran cop Abraham Ozler, ACP Trichur, who at one time has to take up a serial killing case and the mysterious hunt begins.