Audio and Visual Experiment 13
- -The thirteenth in an ongoing series of collaborations between Gf Savages and various audio editors, this time featuring both Hugo Alexander and Lauz Goattem. Made entirely using remixed media.
The thirteenth in an ongoing series of collaborations between Gf Savages and various audio editors, this time featuring both Hugo Alexander and Lauz Goattem. Made entirely using remixed media.
Isn't streaming Yet.
Isn't Streaming on rent.
Cant be Brought as of now.
Audio and Visual Experiment 13 Isn't Streaming on any Platform.
Audio and Visual Experiment 13 Isn't Streaming On Rent At The Moment.
Audio and Visual Experiment 13 Cant Be Purchased At The Moment.
The thirteenth in an ongoing series of collaborations between Gf Savages and various audio editors, this time featuring both Hugo Alexander and Lauz Goattem. Made entirely using remixed media.