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Builder Boys (2024)

Comedy - 5 July 2024
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The movie is expected to follow the story of friends navigating the challenges and comedic mishaps of a construction project, providing audiences with a fresh and engaging storyline.

Director:  Chanakya Patel
Writers:  Chanakya Patel


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The movie is expected to follow the story of friends navigating the challenges and comedic mishaps of a construction project, providing audiences with a fresh and engaging storyline.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Comedy


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Gujarati
Release Date:  5 July 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  White Elephant Films

Technical Specs


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The movie is expected to follow the story of friends navigating the challenges and comedic mishaps of a construction project, providing audiences with a fresh and engaging storyline.