Ganduli (2022)

Action, Drama, Suspense - 15 April 2022
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An archeology team comes to a beautiful village of Ramapuram for excavation of treasure under the old famous temple of Ramapuram, but they are cruelly murdered by Raj Bihari. Raj Bihari wants the treasure for himself and he tries everything to keep it. A hero stands up to Raj Bihari and blocks all his plans.

Director:  Vinay Ratnasiddi


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An archeology team comes to a beautiful village of Ramapuram for excavation of treasure under the old famous temple of Ramapuram, but they are cruelly murdered by Raj Bihari. Raj Bihari wants the treasure for himself and he tries everything to keep it. A hero stands up to Raj Bihari and blocks all his plans.

Genres: Action, Drama, Suspense


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Country:   India
Language:  Kannada
Release Date:  15 April 2022

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An archeology team comes to a beautiful village of Ramapuram for excavation of treasure under the old famous temple of Ramapuram, but they are cruelly murdered by Raj Bihari. Raj Bihari wants the treasure for himself and he tries everything to keep it. A hero stands up to Raj Bihari and blocks all his plans.