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Khadaan (2024)

Drama, Action - 28 June 2024
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From the depths of the coal mines emerges 'Khadaan,' a story buried in the shadows, where every page is stained with the blood of untold struggles, marked by sacrifice and redemption.

Director:  Soojit Dutta


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From the depths of the coal mines emerges 'Khadaan,' a story buried in the shadows, where every page is stained with the blood of untold struggles, marked by sacrifice and redemption.

Collections: Popular Movies

Genres: Drama, Action


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Bengali
Release Date:  28 June 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Dev Entertainment Ventures, Surinder Films

Technical Specs


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From the depths of the coal mines emerges 'Khadaan,' a story buried in the shadows, where every page is stained with the blood of untold struggles, marked by sacrifice and redemption.