Last Breath (2024)

Thriller, Drama - 19 January 2024
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A diver is stranded on the bottom of the North Sea, and when his umbilical cord snaps because of rough seas and an equipment mishap on the ship above, he is left with only five minutes of oxygen, in total darkness and freezing water, with no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes.

Director:  Alex Parkinson
Writers:  Mitchell LaFortune


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A diver is stranded on the bottom of the North Sea, and when his umbilical cord snaps because of rough seas and an equipment mishap on the ship above, he is left with only five minutes of oxygen, in total darkness and freezing water, with no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes.

Genres: Thriller, Drama


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Release Date:  19 January 2024

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Company Credits

Production Companies:  Early Bird Productions

Technical Specs



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A diver is stranded on the bottom of the North Sea, and when his umbilical cord snaps because of rough seas and an equipment mishap on the ship above, he is left with only five minutes of oxygen, in total darkness and freezing water, with no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes.