-Majnoo is a Romance Punjabi movie directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan. The movie's star cast includes Preet Baath, Kiran Shergill, Sabby Suri, Nirmal Rishi, Shavinder Mahal in the main lead roles. The film was produced by Thilok Chand Kothari.
Majnoo is a Romance Punjabi movie directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan. The movie's star cast includes Preet Baath, Kiran Shergill, Sabby Suri, Nirmal Rishi, Shavinder Mahal in the main lead roles. The film was produced by Thilok Chand Kothari.
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Majnoo is a Romance Punjabi movie directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan. The movie's star cast includes Preet Baath, Kiran Shergill, Sabby Suri, Nirmal Rishi, Shavinder Mahal in the main lead roles. The film was produced by Thilok Chand Kothari.