Poster for the movie "Mrs Undercover"

Mrs Undercover (2023)

Action, Comedy, Thriller - 14 April 2023
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An undercover agent living in disguise as a middle-class housewife is assigned a mission after 10 years. How will she take down a serial killer targeting ambitious women with her rusty skills?

Director:  Anushree Mehta
Writers:  Anushree Mehta


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An undercover agent living in disguise as a middle-class housewife is assigned a mission after 10 years. How will she take down a serial killer targeting ambitious women with her rusty skills?

Tagline: Never underestimate the power of a housewife, mother, daughter, woman

Genres: Action, Comedy, Thriller


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Hindi
Release Date:  14 April 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  B4U Motion Pictures

Technical Specs


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Which OTT is Mrs Undercover Streaming On?

Mrs Undercover Is Streaming on Zee5.
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Mrs Undercover Cant Be Purchased At The Moment.


An undercover agent living in disguise as a middle-class housewife is assigned a mission after 10 years. How will she take down a serial killer targeting ambitious women with her rusty skills?