Nigah Marda Ayi Ve (2023)

Drama, Romance - 17 March 2023
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An adventurous road trip takes Harman and Scarlett on a journey not only through love and life but also leaves them heartbroken. Will the star-crossed lovers ever meet?

Director:  Rupinder Inderjit
Writers:  Rupinder Inderjit


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An adventurous road trip takes Harman and Scarlett on a journey not only through love and life but also leaves them heartbroken. Will the star-crossed lovers ever meet?

Genres: Drama, Romance


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Country:   Inida
Language:  Punjabi
Release Date:  17 March 2023

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An adventurous road trip takes Harman and Scarlett on a journey not only through love and life but also leaves them heartbroken. Will the star-crossed lovers ever meet?