Survival of the Thickest (2023)

Comedy - 13 July 2023
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Black, plus-size and newly single, Mavis unexpectedly finds herself having to rebuild her life after putting all her eggs in one man's basket, but she's determined to not only survive but thrive with the support of her chosen family.


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Black, plus-size and newly single, Mavis unexpectedly finds herself having to rebuild her life after putting all her eggs in one man's basket, but she's determined to not only survive but thrive with the support of her chosen family.

Genres: Comedy


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Country:   United States
Language:  English
Release Date:  13 July 2023

Box Office

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Survival of the Thickest Is Streaming on Netflix.
Survival of the Thickest Isn't Streaming On Rent At The Moment.
Survival of the Thickest Cant Be Purchased At The Moment.


Black, plus-size and newly single, Mavis unexpectedly finds herself having to rebuild her life after putting all her eggs in one man's basket, but she's determined to not only survive but thrive with the support of her chosen family.