Poster for the movie "Pancharaaksharam"

Pancharaaksharam (2019)

U - 27 December 2019
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Balaji Vairamuthu, a businessman-turned-filmmaker, makes his debut with Pancharaaksharam , which he calls a supernatural psychological thriller." The film revolves around the concept of how beliefs and thoughts determine our destiny and shows how life can be peaceful if you can avoid negative thoughts.

Director:  Balaji Vairamuthu


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Balaji Vairamuthu, a businessman-turned-filmmaker, makes his debut with Pancharaaksharam , which he calls a supernatural psychological thriller." The film revolves around the concept of how beliefs and thoughts determine our destiny and shows how life can be peaceful if you can avoid negative thoughts.



Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  27 December 2019

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Paradox Productions

Technical Specs


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Balaji Vairamuthu, a businessman-turned-filmmaker, makes his debut with Pancharaaksharam , which he calls a supernatural psychological thriller." The film revolves around the concept of how beliefs and thoughts determine our destiny and shows how life can be peaceful if you can avoid negative thoughts.