Poster for the movie "Rainbows"

Rainbows (2023)

Drama, Family - 15 December 2023
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A stirring story that captures the glory of determination when a physically challenged young girl brings an abused, homeless female jockey, and an abandoned horse together for a ride of a lifetime and much more.

Director:  Hal Porcelain
Writers:  Hal Porcelain


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A stirring story that captures the glory of determination when a physically challenged young girl brings an abused, homeless female jockey, and an abandoned horse together for a ride of a lifetime and much more.

Genres: Drama, Family


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  15 December 2023

Box Office

Budget:  $950,000

Company Credits

Production Companies:  MHP Productions

Technical Specs


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A stirring story that captures the glory of determination when a physically challenged young girl brings an abused, homeless female jockey, and an abandoned horse together for a ride of a lifetime and much more.