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Seize Them! (2023)

Comedy - 18 August 2023
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Dark age Britain where Queen Dagan is toppled by a revolution led by Humble Joan. The Queen becomes a fugitive in her own land, and must face hardship and danger as she embarks on a voyage to win back her throne.

Director:  Curtis Vowell
Writers:  Andy Riley


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Dark age Britain where Queen Dagan is toppled by a revolution led by Humble Joan. The Queen becomes a fugitive in her own land, and must face hardship and danger as she embarks on a voyage to win back her throne.

Genres: Comedy


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Country:   United Kingdom
Language:  English
Release Date:  18 August 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Entertainment Film Distributors

Technical Specs


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Dark age Britain where Queen Dagan is toppled by a revolution led by Humble Joan. The Queen becomes a fugitive in her own land, and must face hardship and danger as she embarks on a voyage to win back her throne.