Poster for the movie "The Creepy Witch"

The Creepy Witch (2023)

Animation - 24 December 2023
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Jasper Jackson is a 13 year old boy from a fishing village in the Kingdom of Stoneland. When he discovers that Princess Sophie, has been possessed by a cruel witch - he must embark on a quest to save both her and his kingdom.

Writers:  Rajan Agarwal


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Jasper Jackson is a 13 year old boy from a fishing village in the Kingdom of Stoneland. When he discovers that Princess Sophie, has been possessed by a cruel witch - he must embark on a quest to save both her and his kingdom.

Tagline: She won’t let you go!

Genres: Animation


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Country:   United Kingdom
Language:  English
Release Date:  24 December 2023

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Jasper Jackson is a 13 year old boy from a fishing village in the Kingdom of Stoneland. When he discovers that Princess Sophie, has been possessed by a cruel witch - he must embark on a quest to save both her and his kingdom.