Poster for the movie "The Great Indian Kitchen"

The Great Indian Kitchen (2023)

Drama - 3 February 2023
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Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she starts feeling that this is not the life she wants.

Director:  R. Kannan


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Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she starts feeling that this is not the life she wants.

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   India
Language:  Tamil
Release Date:  3 February 2023

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  RDC Media

Technical Specs


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Which OTT is The Great Indian Kitchen Streaming On?

The Great Indian Kitchen Is Streaming on Zee5.
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The Great Indian Kitchen Cant Be Purchased At The Moment.


Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she starts feeling that this is not the life she wants.