Poster for the movie "The Velvet Underground"

The Velvet Underground (2021)

110 min - Documentary, Music - 15 October 2021
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Experience the iconic rock band's legacy in the first major documentary to tell their story. Directed with the era’s avant-garde spirit by Todd Haynes, this kaleidoscopic oral history combines exclusive interviews with dazzling archival footage.

Director:  Todd Haynes



Experience the iconic rock band's legacy in the first major documentary to tell their story. Directed with the era’s avant-garde spirit by Todd Haynes, this kaleidoscopic oral history combines exclusive interviews with dazzling archival footage.

Collections: Todd Haynes, Popular Movies

Genres: Documentary, Music


Language:  English
Release Date:  15 October 2021

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Runtime:  1 h 50 min

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Experience the iconic rock band's legacy in the first major documentary to tell their story. Directed with the era’s avant-garde spirit by Todd Haynes, this kaleidoscopic oral history combines exclusive interviews with dazzling archival footage.