-Thirimali is an upcoming Malayalam Language movie, Directed by Rajiv Shetty stars Johny Antony, Innocent, Bibin George, Hareesh Kanaran, Azees Nedumangad, Swastima Khadka, Salim Kumar, Naseer Sankranthy, Dharmajan Bolgatty in lead roles.
Thirimali is an upcoming Malayalam Language movie, Directed by Rajiv Shetty stars Johny Antony, Innocent, Bibin George, Hareesh Kanaran, Azees Nedumangad, Swastima Khadka, Salim Kumar, Naseer Sankranthy, Dharmajan Bolgatty in lead roles.
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Thirimali is an upcoming Malayalam Language movie, Directed by Rajiv Shetty stars Johny Antony, Innocent, Bibin George, Hareesh Kanaran, Azees Nedumangad, Swastima Khadka, Salim Kumar, Naseer Sankranthy, Dharmajan Bolgatty in lead roles.